Rebirth's eye logo- the all seeing eye


    The MMD Community needs a confidence boost. We want to celebrate our art. We want to revive the community.

    We want REBIRTH.


    Status: Releasing 6.3.22

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    About Us

    Rebirth is a free, digital magazine featuring some of the best artwork MikuMikuDance can produce.
    Our goal is to bring more respect and confidence to the MMD Community, and to prove that MMD Art is valid, worthy and important.


    i. acerba mors
    ii. eufemismo
    iii. hysteria
    iv. omni

    The Zine will focus on the following art styles
    Greyscale | Manga | NPR | Photomanipulation | Realism | Semi-realism | Stylised

    A sneak peek render from the REBIRTH MMD Zine
    A sneak peek render from the REBIRTH MMD Zine
    A sneak peek render from the REBIRTH MMD Zine
    A sneak peek render from the REBIRTH MMD Zine
    A sneak peek render from the REBIRTH MMD Zine
    ryuu's profile picture for the Rebirth MMD Zine

    Hello. I’m Alírio, but you may call me ryuu. I'm the Manager of the Zine. My face isn’t really known in the MMDC as I’d rather stay put. Although I still contribute to the community with some tutorials of things I find useful. I’m always working with game ports and rendering painting styled images.

    In Rebirth, I supervise the project and keep everything organized.

    Chestnutscoop's profile picture for the MMD Rebirth Zine

    Hiya! I'm Chestnutscoop, and I manage the promotion and marketing of the Zine. I also communicate with other MMD projects for collaborations. My artwork contributions focus on 'Realism' and 'NPR'.

    R a C